Before you start...

We Give All HONOR PRAISES and GLORY to YAHAWAH BA HA SHAM YAHAWAHSHI (God in the name of Jesus). We are a company that serves The Most High YAHAWAH, and are doing everything we can to source the best of his creation to help the people in need heal of sickness through biblical based modalities!

Our Mission

Our main mission at Fleming Fruit™ is to fully take the power away from the satanic corrupt pharmaceutical and food industry and put that power of your health back into your hands.We are doing this by a 2 step process.

Step 1: We first, through our social media platforms, reach to millions of people around the world educating them on the ancient ways of proper nutrion and healing through a biblical based diet and lifestyle while exposing all the lies we have been feed by the mainstream.

Step 2: We then provide a trusted reliable source ( to start your healing right away through our holistic biblical based herbal and Kosher animal products!

Bonus: Everything we do is 100% Organic + Eco-Friendly: from our packaging, to regenative farming, to only using bottled spring water on our raw consumable products, we have gone the extra step with each product to provide you with the highest quality option to heal your body, while simultaneously protecting YAH’s creation.

Fleming Fruit Products

At Fleming Fruit™ we specialize in delivering herbs and High quality animal products to cleanse and revitalize the body based off what is biblical lawful and recommended by YAH. We can ensure our herbs and Kosher approved animal products are some of the highest quality on the market because we wild harvest them from their mainland origins.

This means all of our products are Non-GMO, Organic, and Kosher approved. No preservatives or artificial flavors.

Man holding a jar of sea moss gel in a bathroom.

Meet The Founder

Two side-by-side images showing a person's fitness transformation before and after bodybuilding.

Noah Fleming is a 21 year old man from New Jersey who has dedicated all of his teenage years and beyond (8 years) to health, fitness, and nutrition. He is not afraid to tell you his age, nor is he afraid to tell you he has 0 certifications from Western medicine schooling. After 8 years of intense research and experimentation on his own body, Noah went down the rabbit hole to find just how deep the lies go in the food and pharmaceutical industry. Noah’s journey is a crazy roller coaster of going through insane body transformations multiple times, experimenting with different diets, herbs, fasting, bio hacking lifestyles, and much more (you can see this on his instagram @noahflemingofficial). Noah sacrificed those 8 years of his life and went to extreme levels with the goal to find out where these higher up people were lying to us about our health and why everyone is so sick. Just to list some examples of what Noah did so you can get a good background, at 15 Years Old Noah ate a bodybuilder diet, at 16-17 he ate a vegan diet, at 17-19 he ate a dr sebi approved Alkaline diet, and at 20-21 years old Noah switched to a biblical based diet, and all in between these timeframes he was doing all the different “health hacks” that are out their online. Throughout these times Noah was smashing powerlifting records, blowing up on social media for his bodybuilding physique, and going viral for helping heal his father of prostate cancer through a fruit fast/vegan diet. This is only a fraction of Noah’s background in health and nutrition. After this long intense journey, Noah did have many slip ups along the way that taught him everything he knows today! The main life changing “mess up” he had, was the best thing that could of happened to him because it led him to starting this brand and being able to bring together the last 8 years of research (it all finally made sense and got the results). This “mess up” was when he was 17 years old and decided to do his first intense fast. He went on a 3 week liquids only fast (drinking only smoothies) and taking INTENSE herbal protocols. Noah had no idea what he was doing at this time, this was before he studied herbs and the gut microbiome, and through this process he destroyed all the good gut bacteria in his stomach. After the fast when he went to eat regular whole food again (he was on the vegan diet at this time), and he noticed he started getting eczema, white on his elbows, dandruff, dry skin, hair fallling out, weak teeth, and skin discoloration, weak bones, bloating, gas, brain fog, and much more., and everyday it was getting worse and worse. All of this was happening because the food did not have the capability to breakdown in his stomach after he destroyed all the good enzymes from that fast and herbs, so his food was going undigested in his small intestines, causing what is known as SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). This is a bacteria that will eat all your food nutrients while the bacteria gets bigger. This wrecked Noah’s hormones and he started having mental health issues because he wasn’t getting any of the nutrients from his food. He delt with this issue all the way up until 20 years of age and it got progressively worse and worse from 17-20. It wasnt until Noah got delivered by The Most High God (YAHAWAH) and accepted YAHAWASHI (jesus) as his savor, and got on his knees and prayed for healing, that the answer to why all this was happening to him got revealed. Before this, Noah researched for 1000's of hours over those years with sometimes having a 14 hours screen time average for the week, being glued to his phone researching, and could still never come to a conclusion as to what was wrong with him. It got so bad at one point, when he was 18 and powerlifting, his stomach popped through his esophagus while squatting 450 pounds and got a hitital hernia because the bloating in his stomach was so bad from the vegan diet feeding the sibo causing major bloating. This caused him not to be able to get out of bed for 6 months and lose all his muscle, leading to a tough time in Noah’s life of one of his loves (the gym) being taken away. When Yah finally revealed him the answer at 20 years of age, that answer was a Biblical based diet that was low in FODMAP (which means low in sugar and carbs). This diet worked because it allowed Noah to negate the feeding of the bacteria in the small intestines (this was because Noah started eating meat again on this diet and made 80% of what he ate come from biblical lawful kosher animals. This set up an environment of low carb and low sugar intake to starve the bacteria that use to be getting fed when Noah was on the high carb and sugar vegan diet.). Through this process, at the same time, Noah got to experience the nutrients absorbing into his body that you cannot get in a bio available form on the vegan diet including fat soluble vitamins like vitamin K2, B12, and complete amino acids. So now, Noah was not only starving the bacteria, but absorbing the nutrients, causing the craziest comeback in health he has ever experienced. This was Noah’s biggest turning point in his holistic health journey he quote he said when he ate meat for the first time again “i felt unbreakable like i could run through walls”. Noah took it a 2 steps with first learning the anti-microbial herbs he could use to start killing off the bacteria. Now, not only was the bacteria getting starved from the high animal based biblical diet, but it also was being eradicated by the God made anti microbial herbs. Secondly, Noah also learned how to restore his gut enzymes, lining, and good bacteria ratios by using Yah’s created probiotics using products like RAW MILK, ANIMAL FATS, and Bone broth. Now, being on this protocol for over a year, at the age of 21 Noah is absolutely thriving in mind body and sprit. He now wants everyone else to thrive with good health so they dont have to go through the awful pain he went through for so many years. His mission is to use all the knowledge he has gained to help as many people heal as possible through Fleming Fruit. This journey is a reflection of what Fleming Fruit looks like today. There would be no Fleming Fruit Store Today healing 10,000s of people, if Noah was not willing to put his body on the line, make mistakes, get sick, and find the REAL cures to sickness. Everything that is sold on Fleming Fruit is a direct reflection of products he used on himself and others to heal disease. We don’t only sell herbs, but we sell Biblical based lawful kosher animal products that are great for healing. Noah is now pushing this understanding of health to as many young men as possible and using the understanding of God’s word and his food to help the young men who grew up in this corrupt generation to turn from boys into men by maxing out their health, mind, and spirit. Noah wants to make it clear to the audience that reads this and sees the message we are pushing behind our brand, we are not fully speaking against vegan, plant based, or fruit fasting diets. Noah helped heal his father of his prostate cancer by getting off of the american standard diet and detoxing through fruit fasting and herbal remedies, so all diets that fall under veganism are for that exact purpose in Noah’s learnings and what he now teaches, which is short term cleansing. Noah states that since sin has entered into the world in the garden of adam and eve, what we have been commanded to eat by God has been changed, and those guidlines are told to us by God (YAHAWAH) in leviticus chapter 11.

After all of this, Noah has constructed a 3 part structure that works almost everytime when he is healing sickness and these 3 parts are 1) not sick, 2) autoimmune sick, 3) detox sick. What will be explained below is the 3 part process and Noah wants to make it clear that he calls this the “Fleming Fruit Healing Method” and is the backbone to why we sell the products that we do on our website today!

1) For Those who are not sick and just want to be healthier, Leviticus chapter 11 is all you need to thrive which is a whole food diet restricting certain animals you are not allowed to eat because they were never actually made for human consumption and will cause sickness. For example, Pig (pork) is one thing the bible tells us not to eat along with crabs, and both of these animals jobs is to clean up waste and they cannot detox. So that waste and parasites goes into our body when we eat these animals and can cause all types of mental, spirutal, and phsical diseases.

2) For those with auto immune, they must follow a leviticus chapter 11 diet but make restrictions on carbs, sugar, and anti-nutrients. So this would be a high fat and protein low carb diet with only the animals being ate that Yah has deemed clean. Then they would select certain herbs that would help assist the healing process along with certain animals foods like raw milk to help heal the gut. This means that grains, fruits, vegtables , and nuts/seeds all have to be limited or cut out completely during the healing phase of the gut and the killing of any bad bacterias because of two reasons. First, all these foods (besides fruit) have high level of antrinutrients which puts alot of un-needed stress on the gutt, and second, all these foods contain high amounts of carb and sugar which will feed the bad bacteria.

3) For those with Server Sickness, this is usual those with diabetes, cancer, obisety, etc, from eating the processed american standard diet for so long, they should cleanse through a fruit fasting plant based protocol with herbs, and then hop on a leviticus chapter 11 diet to rebuild their body back up after they have lost all their weight and mucus/parasites from the american standard diet. If they are dealing with heavy candida issues, or any time of bad bacterial overgrowth, then a more taliored approach would have to be formualted of a mix between diet type 2 & 3, this is because the fruit fast could feed the yeast and make all matters worse. The way around that is killing the bad bacteria first and then detoxing.

NOAH’S NOTE: We will be providing a more in depth food list on our “education section of our website”.

In conclusion, God’s diet (YAHAWAH) found in Leviticus chapter 11, along with making tweaks based off of what sickness you have with utilizing herbs to help, is what Noah has found the key formula for anyone to heal disease phsyically. Noah wants to make it abundantly clear, that even if you have all those physical diet healing porotocls locked in, theman who has impurities of sin and iniquity that is being sown in his heart and mind, will not fully heal from any disease because his disease is rooted in his thoughts. Noah gives all credit to YAHAWAH BA HA SHAM YAHAWASHI (God In The name Of Jesus), and says that all of this only happened for him to be used to help others. He takes no credit of any of this and wanted this to be left off with the message that the physical herbs we selll on Fleming Fruit are there as the HELPING piece (not the entire solution). Fo one to have the entire solution of healing he must be also living in repentance and a live for YAH. Noah wanted to leave off this with a bible verse he strives everyday to live by which is: Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

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