Find the answers here!

1. Whats Is The Alkaline Diet?
The alkaline diet was formulated and popularized by Dr Sebi and his teachings. The purpose of the diet s to remove mucus from the body, and prevent future dis-ease to manifest in the body by changing our diet, which isn't just what we put in our mouth and chew, but is also the external people and environment we are in on the day to day basis
2. How Do I Follow The Alkaline Diet?
The alkaline diet becomes super easy to follow once you do it more and more just like anything else. You can find the full Dr sebi approved foods list in the EDUCATION section of our website. This list was cop and pasted from Dr Sebi's original list, so you don't have to go scrolling on the internet to find it. As you progress and heal your body more and more, you will find it easier to follow because you will know all the best spots in your town to get seeded organic fruits and veggies from to heal your body!
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3. Is Seamoss Good For Athletes/Gym?
Here at Fleming Fruit, our CEO Noah Fleming who has been alkaline vegan for almost 3 years now, recommends you take 1-2 Tablespoons of seamoss per day. If you eat an alkaline lifestyle as well, you don't ever need more than 1 TBSP per day. Remember that seamoss is great as an additive to an already alkaline diet, but if you eat acid foods all day and expect our seamoss to heal all your problems, you will be very disappointed because your body will not change
Get Seamoss
4. Why Replace Creatine For Seamoss?
Many try to argue that creatine is the best "natural" supplement for
athletes and gym goers, but creatine is the farthest thing from natural. Not only is it made in a lab by humans (not a god product, therefore it is acidic), but once you stop taking creatine, your body will have a hard time producing the natural amount of creatine which is around 1g per day. You have been feed a lie by the marketers of the meat industry that you need more than the 1g of creatine your body produces naturally, but the truth is that we are making our bodies in a weaken state by eating all the acid forming foods, therefore, our body won't be able to produce that 1g of creatine naturally everyday. This is why replacing creatine with sea moss is so important because no only will no not have to go through side effects, but your body will receive an abundance of minerals to strengthen the bones, brain function, and nervous system, for not only better performance in the gym, but better recover after your sessions!

5. How Much Seamoss Do I Take Per Day?
Here at Fleming Fruit, our CEO Noah Fleming who has been alkaline vegan for almost 3 years now, recommends you take 1-2 Tablespoons of seamoss per day. If you eat an alkaline lifestyle as well, you don't ever need more than 1 TBSP per day. Remember that seamoss is great as an additive to an already alkaline diet, but if you eat acid foods all day and expect our seamoss to heal all your problems, you will be very disappointed because your body will not change

5. How Much Seamoss Do I Take Per Day?

Here at Fleming Fruit, our CEO Noah Fleming who has been alkaline vegan for almost 3 years now, recommends you take 1-2 Tablespoons of seamoss per day. If you eat an alkaline lifestyle as well, you don't ever need more than 1 TBSP per day. Remember that seamoss is great as an additive to an already alkaline diet, but if you eat acid foods all day and expect our seamoss to heal all your problems, you will be very disappointed because your body will not change
Get Seamoss
6. How Much Seamoss Is In 1 Jar?
There are just about 30 servings of seamoss gel per jar to supply you for an entire month. The reason why we have our seamoss priced at $40 is because you will also get a premium glass mason jar, that is fully custom with a wooden screw on lid. All the pckaging that comes with the seamoss gel is also fully custom and the best part is it's 100% eco friendly!

7. What Is Your Brand's Effect On The Environment?
In all of our packaging we only use paper and glass. We will never select any type of plastic or harmful man made items because keeping the environment clean is our main focus. Of course there is going to be pollution from the gasses that are emitted from the delivery process, but limiting all other factors and getting to heal the people as an outcome, is something we see as a win. Everything from the custom packaging that holds our custom glass jar semoss, to the packaging tape we use to close up the boxes, is 100% eco friendly:)
8. How Long Does It Take To Start To See Effects With The Seamoss?
Everyone's Body is different depending on your age, height, weight, and overall health, but we can give you a rough estimate anywhere from 1 Hour - 3 Days

9. Is Your Seamoss Really 100% Wildcrafted?
Absolutely! Our Sea Moss team is off the shores of Jamaica where our divers are diving every week to get pounds and pounds of seamoss! You will not find sea moss as fresh as ours anywhere else online and especially on social media. A lot of these brands get low quality or even pool grown moss, and then make it inot a gel to cover up the fact their seamoss is very low quality, and then ship them out. We at Fleming Fruit follow the most high and the universal laws, so we can assure you that doing something like that would be far from worth it in our consciousness. We make sure you have the best of the best, so you can heal your mind body and soul:)

10. How Do I Make My Own Seamoss Gel At Home?
Soon our store will have the whole sea moss as well, so this will be very helpful and save you a little bit of money as well 1- Cover your Fleming Fruit sea moss with spring water for a minimum of 4 hours or overnight. 2- Place your sea moss in your blender and cover it with spring water (or the water you soaked it in) to about 1/2 way to 3/4 of the way covering your sea moss 3- Blend your sea moss on high for a minimum of 2 mins and 30 seconds. 4- Store it in the back of your fridge in an airtight container. This will be good for 3 weeks to a month!

11. Will Seamoss Help Libido?
100% Seamoss will drastically increase your libido, which also means it can increase your testosterone. So for all of our lifters who buy our products, write us a review after a month of use and let us know how your performance went up!

12. Why Buy Seamoss From FlemingFruit?
Where you spend your money is your choice, but 100% of our profit made goes right back to buy land in Costa Rica so we can build perma culture farms and healing centers. This will allow our brand to grow and sell herbs/exotic fruits to people all around the world, and have people come vist to our healing centers for 10 days of healing. The CEO Noah is not doing this for money, he is doing this to use money as a tool to help heal the people on a large massive scale. One of the visions Noah has for Fleming Fruit is to have days where once a week the people who cant afford the fruit and herbs will get them for 100% off and just have to pay shipping. Noah said he cannot get to this stage until he has his lands in costa rica and is growing the plants himself because then they would go bankrupt from buying herbs and getting nothing in return lol. But you get the point, we are here to heal you, your family, and the world back into the organic world as dr sebi said:) ONE LOVE